Phone: +49 (0) 1772878295
Welcome Lightworkers, Healers & Shamanic Practitioners
You’re here for a reason!
Bring More Presence to Your Life!
Your spiritual journey has been a powerful growth experience.
You are here to bring more consciousness and light to the world.
More than anything you want to fulfill your Life Purpose.
I have a plan for you…
The story of the light and dark is playing out.
We all know it's accelerating faster than we can even imagine.
If you are ready to play a bigger role for the awakening of humanity I’m inviting you to this Soul expansion work. This isn’t for everyone. Being a Whole Presence Facilitator is for those who are ready for co-creating the New Paradigm.
Expand your practice and join the global Presence movement. This training will provide you with the higher awareness and skills for facilitating your clients to more Soul connection and power.
If you want to ensure humanity continues the ascension to Light this Training is for you.
No longer can we passively sit back denying the call to show up. For us lightworkers, Shamanic practitioners and energy healers not stepping up to contribute more light has serious consequences. Let’s step up to meet the challenges of these times.
You’ve observed your clients feeling disempowered and lost on their way.
For years I was a healer and lightworker searching for my Soul Purpose. After learning numerous healing modalities, one event changed everything. I experienced a transformation when I reclaimed all of my Soul essence.
Then my life shifted to more peace, alignment, ease and joy. And I realized that bringing more Presence to the world was the ultimate priority. The New Paradigm can only be realized by more fully present and awakened human beings.